Life in Katari village was unforgiving for Aarti who has four daughters, does sewing at home while her husband works as a mason, but his earnings were barely enough to feed the family. Aarti tried to help by sewing clothes at home, but the work was irregular. Despite this, she supports her family through sewing and has sent one daughter to a girls’ hostel with help from a relative Every night, she lay awake worrying about how to make ends meet. Despite her efforts, the weight of their poverty never lifted. Aarti’s dream of giving her daughters a better life seemed out of reach.

This began to change when in January 2020, Prayatn Sanstha, with financial support from Kindernothilfe, initiated the Sambal project to solve various issues in 50 villages of Cholapur block in Varanasi district of Uttar Pradesh, and Katari village is one of them. With Prayatn Sanstha’s guidance, the village took steps to change its fate. Prayatn formed various village-level organizations like the Child Protection Committee (CPC), Children’s Collective, and Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in villages.

During one of the Self-Help Group meetings, Aarti opened about her struggles, tears streaming down her face as she spoke. The group listened with empathy and encouraged her to take a loan of ₹6,000 to start a small grocery shop at home.

With a glimmer of hope, Aarti set up her shop. It quickly became a favourite spot in the village, and she also began offering tailoring services. Each month, she now earns around ₹7,000, a significant boost that has changed her family’s life. This steady income means she can cover her children’s needs, send them to school, and offer them opportunities she once thought was impossible.

Aarti’s shop hasn’t just eased her financial worries; it has brought hope and pride back into her home. The burdens of her past have been replaced with the joy of new possibilities and a brighter future for her family.

Arti Selling in Her Shop
Arti Selling in Her Shop
Arti Stitching Clothes
Arti Stitching Clothes
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