Our Projects

about prayatn

  • Our Approach
  • Our Core Strategies
  • Prayatn in Different Roles
  • Our Geographical Spread & Coverage

Prayatn has worked in charity mode, development mode as well as rights-based mode in past. Through our experience, we learnt that in the country full of diversity, single approach may not be able to provide solutions to complex socio-economic issues. The organization, therefore, started experimenting with mix of approaches that gradually took shape of Model Development Approach. In this, we try to analyze the problem and understand root causes and then develop and demonstrate solution for resolving complex social issues by addressing all the dimensions of the problem simultaneously. To ensure that the model is duly developed, documented and disseminated, we lay high emphasis upon defining the processes of working, planning, implementation and monitoring elaborately in written form, abiding by them in strict manner and reviewing them from time to time. We believe that if process of working is not right, the true change that we aim to achieve will not materialize. Our innovative system of Stakeholder-wise Milestone based planning, implementation and monitoring, under which quarterly milestones of changes for each type of stakeholders are defined in advance and pursued, has proved to be very effective in achieving the desired change in each of the stakeholders in the long run; and hence, ensuring desired impact in the situation.

  1. Development and Strengthening of Community based Institutions

  2. Capacity building of different Stakeholders including beneficiaries and duty bearers

  3. Convergence with programmes of government and other civil society organizations

  4. Research, Documentation and Dissemination of Experience based learning.

  5. Direct Support to the Community

Execution: Prayatn undertakes execution of community-based projects on various thematic areas with an objective to create impact in the lives of marginalized communities and also to develop theme-based models which can be replicated elsewhere with necessary modifications

Resource: The organization engages in research, documentation and publication within the organization. Outside the organization, it undertakes research, documentation and evaluation works for various national and international agencies depending upon their requirement.

Support: The organization also engages in providing expert services focusing on training and capacity building on various thematic issues. The organization has been engaged in providing training to various groups ranging from community members to the decision makers and also to government officials.

Prayatn has presence at grassroots level in 5 states – Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Jharkhand. Across these states we are covering about 14 districts as listed below:

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