Think about the anxiety of not knowing if you’ll have enough food to feed your family. That was Bindo Bai’s life in Mamoni Village of Shahabad Rajasthan. Farming only gave them money when it rained. Her husband used to graze some goats, and the income from it was used for household expenses and Bindo Bai occasionally worked as a daily wage laborer, collected tendu leaves, made bundles, and sold wood in the market. However, these were not permanent jobs it was a constant worry to keep her kids healthy and fed.

Prayatn Sanstha, financially supported by Bread for the World, implemented the Combating Malnutrition through Livelihood Development project in 30 villages of Shahabad including Bindo Bai’s village. With a dedicated team, village-level institutions were established, and meetings were organized to share knowledge on new farming techniques and ways to improve livelihoods. These efforts aimed to empower villagers and create sustainable, healthier communities.

In a group meeting, discussion was made on ways to increase livelihood sources and how the organization can help them. Bindo Bai expressed interest in goat rearing. With financial assistance, Bindo bought 5 goats. These weren’t just any goats, they were a chance for a better life. They gave her kids healthy milk to drink and even had babies. Now, Bindo has a whole herd of 20 goats and 7 little ones.

Bindo didn’t stop there. With the support by Prayatn Sanstha, she started Kitchen gardening at her home, saving her family thousands of rupees each month. She even learned how to farm without chemicals, making things even better. Malnutrition was a major issue, but it’s now under control.

Bindo’s hard work paid off! Her goats are now worth of Rs. 70,000, giving her family a security blanket they never had before. My goats are like my own ATM machine, always there for my family’s needs in difficult times.

Bindo’s story is more than just success. She’s an inspiration to other women, showing them that anything is possible with hard work.

Bindo Bai with Her Goat
Bindo Bai Goats
Kitchen Garden
Bindo Bai Goat House
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