Prayatn Sanstha organized a Block Level ‘Poshan Mela’ in collaboration with the ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services) department at Gop, Puri on 11th September 2023 at Akhandaleswar Temple at Puri with the support of HDFC Bank under its CSR initiative – ‘Parivartan’. The primary focus of the Poshan Mela was to highlight the importance of Nutrition, which helps in inculcating healthy eating practices in daily life. The whole program was comprised of various fun and learning activities and games, which highlighted different aspects of health and nutrition for the community.

The fair was inaugurated by Ms. Diptirekha Das, Block Development Officer, and Ms. Jhunulata Mallik, Chairperson of Gop, Puri. At the ”Poshan Mela”, different stalls were arranged for children, lactating mothers, pregnant women, and adults. They have explained the importance of taking a nutritious diet at various stages during their pregnancy, menopause, or in case they were anemic.

Anganwadi workers presented a mesmerizing drama on the importance of Nutrition for the development of a child. Adolescent girls presented dynamic folk dances for the audience. An exclusive session for the adolescents has been arranged, where knowledge sharing has been done through various games; subsequently, winners were given prizes. Beautiful demonstrations were prepared by 30 Self-Help Group members from 08 villages in Gop, Puri. IEC materials on the benefits of Vitamins and Nutritious foods were exhibited and distributed to the participants.

More than 300 community people participated in the Poshan Mela, which includes Anganwadi workers, pregnant women, lactating mothers, and adolescent girls from 25 villages of Gop, Puri; where Prayatn Sanstha has been working for the development of the community. During the program, Mr. Poorna Mohapatra (Program Manager), Mr. Pravesh Kumar Maurya (Thematic Expert), and Community Organizers from Prayatn Sanstha hosted the Programme.

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