With enormous support of the members of School Management Committee, Child Protection Committee, Children’s Collective and School staff, 08 Teacher Community Interface have been conducted in different villages of Dholpur district namely, Fondekapura, Hallekapura, Keshripura, Battipura, Sahedi, Madhabhau, Nayagaon and Kankret. The main objective of Teacher Community Interface has been to promote quality education in government schools by providing a platform for parents as well as teachers to address problems hindering children’s education. The 08 interfaces were conducted with the facilitation of Mr. Khuloos Khan and Mr. Fazru Khan, Assistant Project Officers under the project ‘Moving Ahead’; it witnessed a total participation of 360 members (212 females & 148 males) and spanned from 9th-22nd September 2021. The occasion in each village was graced by the presence of Block/District level officials from the Education Department as well as local PRI members of the particular village. A few major issues raised by the community entailed vacant positions of teachers, drinking water facility, repair of school buildings, playground construction, toilet repair and construction and the demand for digital education with the requirement of desktops in school. The role and responsibilities of School Management Committee were highlighted in the interfaces to ensure school development. During the interface, community people submitted various proposals related to the issues of school and children to the Village Development Officer and Sarpanch of the concerned village. The dignitaries appreciated the initiative and assured the village community of definite and imminent resolution for the shared issues.