With the immense support of the Child Protection Committee members, members of Children’s Collective and community members, Prayatn Team at Dholpur organized Government Community Interface in villages Sahajpur, Morolikapura and Sikarra. The main objective of Government Community Interface has been to provide a platform for the community to express their queries and problems in front of the authorities at the village level and to promote solutions through the exchange of information about the schemes issued in the public interest. The interfaces were held on 14 and 16th of September 2021 with the facilitation of Mr. Khuloos Khan and Mr. Fazru Khan, Assistant Project Officers under the project ‘Moving Ahead’. The chief guests for the same were Village Development Officer, Sarpanch, Block Development Officer and Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) from ICDS Department, Mr Bhoopesh Garg. Major issues raised by the village communities included drinking water facility, the need for Anganwadi building, better Anganwadi services, work under MGNREGA, cremation ground, school toilet repair and construction, playground and cc road construction. During the interface, proposals were submitted by the community members regarding distinct village issues, most of which are in pipeline. The authorities also have given assurance of resolution for the issues, some of which like work under MGNREGA has already been resolved. At the closure of interface, Mr. Bhoopesh admired the endeavor of Prayatn and encouraged the community to take advantage of such a platform. The dignitaries present also have assured all possible support from the end of concerned department. The intervention was organized under Moving Ahead project which is being implemented by Prayatn with the financial support of Karl Kubel Stiftung and BMZ Germany.