For the first time, Prayatn Team at Dholpur organized an ‘Exposure visit of the members of Child Protection Committee and Children’s Collective’ of all 45 project villages under the project ‘Moving Ahead’. The visits were organized in 15 Model Child-Friendly Villages which are developed under the previous phase of the project and are continuing to function even after the withdrawal of project support. The initiative was based on the understanding that we understand and trust any lesson better when we see it happening through our own eyes. A total of 18 exposure visits (09 of CPC members and 09 of BM members) spanned from 9th September to 14th October 2021 and witnessed a total participation of 297 CPC members and 328 Bal Manch members. The visit was aimed at strengthening the community-based systems and mechanisms in the project villages that would, resultantly, develop into “Model Child-Friendly Villages”. The learnings include the process of identifying issues, prioritizing them, analyzing their cause & effect, developing proposals, submitting the proposal at an appropriate level and follow up on actions. Also, the members have been made aware of the development and use of Village Corpus (Gram Kosh). To conclude, the members have developed a proper understanding of the documentation works of the proceedings of the group which further strengthens the community-based systems and its working mechanisms towards child rights. The initiative is funded by Karl Kubel Stiftung and BMZ Germany.