In a decisive step to protect the children of the region, Mr. Rakesh Kumar Jaiswal, District Magistrate, has, on August 26, 2021, formed Childline Advisory Board (CAB) to support and monitor Childline services which is being operated by Prayatn Sanstha with the financial support of Childline India Foundation and Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, under its Integrated Child Protection Scheme. The body is chaired by the District Magistrate while Assistant Director of Child Rights Department has been made its Member Secretary and Coordinators of District Childline and Railway Childline have been made its members. Other members of the board include Chief District Education Officer, Labour Welfare Officer, Station Superintendent, Assistant Director – Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Chairperson – Child Welfare Committee and Member- Juvenile Justice Board.
Mrs. Reena Tyagi, Coordinator – District Childline and Mr. Surnaam Singh, Coordinator _ Railway Childline, both of whom are from Prayatn, thanked District Administration for its support in this regard and assured that the measure will go long way in ensuring protection of rights of the children in the district.