On 06th August, 2021, an appreciation letter has been felicitated by Health Department in Varanasi district to Prayatn Sanstha for its efforts related with women empowerment, child protection and COVID related community awareness.
The appreciation has been issued by Mr. R. B. Yadav, Medical Officer In-charge of Community Health Center, Cholapur in the backdrop of the awareness campaign which was organized by Prayatn Sanstha from 23/6/2021 to 5/7/2021 with the objective of spreading public awareness about COVID 19 pandemic and encouraging vaccination to address the same distribution of thermo scanners, pulse oximeters, masks, sanitizers, hygiene kit at the community health centers, all primary health centers, sub centers and ASHA workers in 50 villages in Cholapur block of Varanasi.
This campaign reached in every village, street, mohalla through mobile vans and information related to corona virus was given to the people through banners, posters, songs, slogans and speeches. Mask, sanitizer and soap kit were also distributed in the community. Adolescent girls also received sanitary pads in these 50 villages.