Kabirajpur village, nestled in the heart of Satyabadi Tehsil in Puri District, Odisha, India, is a picturesque hamlet surrounded by lush greenery. Home to 837 residents, the village thrives on agriculture, with farming being the primary occupation of its inhabitants. Among them is Ranjan Nayak, a diligent farmer and a graduate in Arts, who owns 3 acres of land. His family, consisting of his wife and three children, relies on agriculture for their livelihood.

Initially cultivating moong and paddy on his land, Ranjan found that the returns were insufficient to sustain his family. Being a medium farmer, he cultivated moong on 1 acre and paddy on 2 acres, yielding modest returns. Seeking a more profitable alternative, he turned to tomato cultivation, a crop known for its profitability albeit requiring significant effort and investment.

However, Ranjan faced several challenges, one being the lack of a reliable water source for irrigation. Depending on a pond for irrigation, he struggled to afford the high hourly rates for a motor pump. Additionally, uncertainties in weather patterns added to the difficulty. Furthermore, threats from animals like bulls and deer posed a significant risk to his crops.

Despite his efforts, Ranjan faced a devastating setback when bulls destroyed all his tomato plants after 20 days of painstaking nurturing. This setback not only caused financial loss but also emotional distress, leading Ranjan to question his decision to continue farming.

In such challenging times, community support and assistance from organizations became crucial. Recognizing Ranjan’s potential and determination, Prayatn Sanstha, in collaboration with HDFC Bank Parivartan, extended support to him through the Holistic Rural Development Project. The project aimed to empower small farmers like Ranjan by providing resources and training to enhance agricultural practices and improve livelihoods.

Selected as a beneficiary due to his commitment to improving productivity, Ranjan received tomato seeds and training in organic farming techniques. He learned to use bio-pesticides and organic manure, maintain proper spacing between plants and rows, and erect sturdy fencing to prevent animal damage.

Implementing the learned techniques diligently, Ranjan planted 4000 saplings in 0.5 acres of land. He utilized organic farming methods, resulting in a yield of 30 quintals of high-quality tomatoes, fetching him around Rs. 90,000. This success not only transformed Ranjan’s life but also inspired other farmers in Kabirajpur and neighbouring villages, serving as a beacon of hope.

Buoyed by his success, Ranjan plans to continue tomato cultivation, aiming to join a farmer’s producer company for direct selling to increase revenue. Additionally, he intends to share his knowledge and experiences with fellow villagers, empowering them to achieve similar success.

Ranjan Nayak’s journey from a struggling farmer to a successful entrepreneur underscores the transformative power of guidance and support in agriculture. Through the Holistic Rural Development Project, Ranjan not only improved his family’s financial situation but also became a source of inspiration for his community, highlighting the importance of sustainable agricultural practices and the positive impact they can have on rural livelihoods.

Mr. Ranjan After Tomato Production
Mr. Ranjan After Tomato Production
Tomato Nursery Develop
Tomato Nursery Develop
Digging The Hole For Tomato Line Sowing
Digging The Hole For Tomato Line Sowing
Preparing The Plant For Transplantation
Preparing The Plant For Transplantation
Tomato Plant Growing In field
Digging The Hole For Tomato Line Sowing
Mr. Ranjan Collecting Tomato From Field
Mr. Ranjan Collecting Tomato From Field
Mr. Ranjan With His Mother during Tomato Collection
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