All 6 Block level Child Protection Committees and 188 Panchayat level Child Protection Committees of Dhaulpur district reformed and 2303 members of these committees have been trained on their roles and responsibilities towards child protection. This unprecedented achievement has resulted out of tireless efforts of Prayatn team in Dhaulpur district of Rajasthan within last 18 months of initiation of its intervention on Child Protection named Moving Ahead.

It is important to note here that Prayatn Sanstha has been actively involved in the process of children and the community through various interventions, since its genesis in the state of Rajasthan. In Dhaulpur, district, it has been working for almost two decades on issues related with child protection like child labour, by spreading community awareness on the issue and addressing related aspects like quality education as well as livelihood development. At the same time, it has been focusing upon on activating child protection machinery stipulated under the Juvenile Justice Act and Integrated Child Protection Scheme (now called Mission Vaatsalya) at all levels. This included formation and strengthening of Panchayat and Block level Child Protection Committees as well as various bodies at district level.

Earlier too, Prayatn had ensured formation and training of all the Panchayat and Child Protection Committees in the district but after delimitation and Panchayat elections in last two years, new gram Panchayats and Blocks have been formed in the district and members have changed. So, reformation of these committees and re-orientation of their members was needed. While regular pursuance with the District Administration and facilitation support to it support resulted in formation/reformation of these bodies within few months, a pool of trainers was prepared amongst paralegal volunteers as well as social workers through Master Trainer Training followed by Training of Trainers. Block level Committees in all the six blocks were oriented at first after which orientation at Panchayat level was undertaken

During these orientations, members of PLCPCs including Sarpanch, Ward Panch, VDO (Village Development Officer), School Teachers, Anganwadi Workers, and Public Servants actively participated; while highlighting the need for grass-root level awareness on Child Protection issues, provisions of the Juvenile Justice Act, and advantages of linking with the government welfare schemes for the protection of children and development of the community.

The orientations were conducted in the Rajeev Gandhi Seva Kendras in the respective blocks of Dholpur covering 188 Gram Panchayats from 6 blocks after permission and support of local authorities. The entire initiative is financially supported by Karl Kubel Stiftung, a German organization.

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