During ‘Childline Se Dosti week’, the Child Help Desk run by Prayatn at PDDU railway station with the support of Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Railway and Childline India Foundation held numerous awareness and fun activities for children and community members in the railway premises which has raised awareness about 1098. The campaign commenced with a beautiful decoration of the Child Help Desk desk by children on railway premises and staff, which was followed by a small function involving CWC, RPF, CHILDLINE staff, other staff members of Prayatn, wandering and rescued children, and a few passengers. While RPF, Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, informed the participants about the importance of Children’s day; CWC member, Mr. Ashok Shrivastav, introduced them to child rights and the provision of care and protection through 1098 for children in need. Children were motivated by involving them in drawing and with the distribution of storybooks and snacks. Activities in the upcoming days included signature campaign, tying friendship band, handwashing activity, mask distribution and open house activity to raise awareness about 1098 and CHILDLINE services.