Child Help Desk run by Prayatn with the support of Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Railway and Childline India Foundation at Dholpur railway station celebrated ‘Childline Se Dosti week’ with the enthusiastic involvement of children, passengers, vendors and railway department spanning from 14th-20th November 2021. The CHILDLINE team conducted a variety of motivating activities in the railway premises which included signature campaign, awareness rally, handwashing activity, competions like drawing, song and kite flying, badge distribution, local fun games like antakshri, neer-teer, pot breaking, sack race, etc. and open discussions on the issues of child marriage, child labour, child trafficking, child abuse, etc. and legal laws related to it. Children were encouraged through rewards and snacks distribution. Each day of the Children’s Week culminated with a vivid awareness about 1098 and CHILDLINE services among the partakers and spectators of the events.